ECLAT Development Foundation, popularly known as (ECLAT) is a nongovernmental Organisation (NGO). The organisation was duly registered as an NGO in Tanzania in the year 2016 but began its operation in the year 2014 as group of volunteers. The organisation is headquartered in Emboreet Simanjiro. Over the past years, the organization has established itself and contributed effectively in the area of educational infrastructure development, women empowerment, water, sanitation and health. The strength of the organisation is drawn from its work methodology research, community engagement, networking and capacity building in four key programmatic areas.

Training Vocational training center students in the apprenticeship program, women development and development.

The project aimed to clean surface water for rural communities in three villages Sukuro, Narakauo and Naiti.

This project renovates or construct new public school all over the country. 42 schools constructed to date