Emboreet: Extension and renovation of Simanjiro Primary School | Geographic position: 3°58’37.17 “S 36°26’24.82 “E |
2019- Purchase of learning materials (notebooks, pencils, sharpeners, etc.)
- Handover to students on February 20, 2019
| 2017- Renovation of the dormitory for girls
- Renovation of the canteen and kitchen
- Handover to the government as the operator of the school on October 4, 2017
2016- Renovation of seven classrooms
- Repair and purchase of new school desks
- New construction of two toilet facilities for girls and boys
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on July 29, 2016
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Loiborsoit “A”: Extension and renovation of the Primary School Geographic position: 3°52’45.12 “S 36°25’45.48 “E | Narakauo: Extension and renovation of the Primary School Geographic position: 4°13’33.30 “S 36°29’32.04 “E |
2017- Construction of two classrooms
- Renovation of eight classrooms
- Construction of a toilet block
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on September 30, 2017
| 2017- Renovation of four classrooms
- Construction of two toilet blocks
- Renovation of the rainwater collection system
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on October 1, 2017
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Luagala “A”: Extension and renovation of the Primary School Geographic position: 10°35’19.28 “S 39°31’36.23 “E | 8) Lengijabe: Construction of the new Primary School Geographic position: 3°47’07 “S 36°23’49 “E |
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2018- Renovation of eight classrooms and three teachers’ offices
- Construction of three toilet blocks
- Construction of an underground rainwater collection tank and connection to roofs
- Handed over to the government as operator of the school on October 28, 2018
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Lengijabe: Construction of the new Primary School Geographic position: 3°47’07 “S 36°23’49 “E | |
2020- Construction of three classrooms with a teacher’s office
- Purchase of school desks
- Construction of a toilet block
- Acquisition of learning materials (notebooks, pencils, pencil sharpeners, etc.)
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on September 26, 2020
| 2018- Completion of six classrooms for which the village community had laid the foundation walls
- Construction of a toilet facility
- Purchase of school desks
- Construction of a rainwater collection system
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on February 20, 2019
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Loiborsoit: Construction of the new Ormooto Primary School Geographic position: 3°50’16.85 “S 36°23’46.46 “E
| Kaangala: Renovation of the Primary School Geographic position: 4°16’21.3”S 36°26’34.0”E |
- Completion of five classrooms and two teachers’ offices, for which the village community had laid the foundation walls
- Construction of two more classrooms and a teacher’s office
- Construction of two toilet facilities
- Purchase of school desks
- Acquisition of learning materials (notebooks, pencils, sharpeners, etc.)
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on August 18, 2018
| - Renovation of six classrooms and two teachers’ offices
- Repair of the rainwater collection system (gutters, water pipes and tank)
- Purchase of school desks and tables and chairs for teachers
- Handover to the government as operator of the school on August 19, 2018