Our Impact

Be the reason someone smiles today

We have improved the lives of poor, marginalized and vulnerable (three surface water filtration projects serviced more than 12,000 people). Informed, empowered and engaged 75 women groups each with an average membership of 25 people. Enhanced public education sector by renovating/constructing 35 primary schools, 1 Vocational Training Centre and 1 O-level and A-level secondary school Through capacity building programs Knowledge generated and shared

Strong results


Close monitoring and clear evaluation of the projects will allow you to report concrete results back to your stakeholders.


Women Empowerment

Close monitoring and clear evaluation of the projects will allow you to report concrete results back to your stakeholders



There is no doubt that productive cooperation between an NGO and a business can be demanding.  



 By doing so, you can learn more about what you are achieving and whether there is room for betterment in the delivery of effective.